Donating as little as 3000 Ft/ month, you can already do a lot for the African children: this sum covers a child’s food and medicine provisions. The higher sum of 6000 Ft/ month can (besides the above basics), even ensure the child’s education in the local village’s primary school.
Already over 120 people believe they can help individual children’s life with “symbolic adoption”. They now see that their donations significantly change the course of our Orphanage’s residents’ lives, help their life quality, and make the children’s everyday life happier.
The fees of our high school students amount to a considerably higher sum, frequently collected by a group of friends or a community. We consider it a great success that multiple kids have been accepted to colleges after finishing high school. We offer them our sponsorship until they finish their studies.
Our symbolic adoption system is based on personal relations: the sponsors regularly receive information about the children. With the help of our volunteers, we deliver to you the small presents the children make.